USA Make a Difference

“Cause Marketing” to Promote Your Business as You “Give Back” – It all Starts with Digital”

Marketer Magician makes a Suggestion to Small Businesses to “Give Back” Via Cause Marketing”

Hi, thank you for joining us. My name is Marketer Magician and in this brief post I am going to talk about “Cause Marketing” and how today, more than ever, whether you are a business owner or are thinking of becoming an entrepreneur, the web truly does provide an opportunity.

What is the Opportunity?

The opportunity consists of showing how you, as an American, can learn how to grow your business online, one strategy at a time. How? Imagine if there was such a thing as being able to Celebify your business and make it well known? Or wouldn’t it be fun if you could Become a Mentalist and and predict the future to know your best next business move? Or how about being in one of the most challenging cities in the world? Would you like to have the confidence to be like “Manhattan Magician” and take on and win against intensive competition in NYC? And how about if you could do so, as if by magic? Sound too good to be true? Here is where “Causing Marketing” comes in.

What is Cause Marketing?

Cause Marketing is a method of promoting yourself or your business, that involves, you, the business owner, sponsoring a nonprofit or other local community group or national “Cause.” The idea is a win-win situation through which everyone involved benefits. The community receives help with issue being dealt with, while the local entrepreneur who puts it together is happy to help because that person receives interest from the community regarding their products and services.

Doing Our Part Can be Magic

Doing our part is doing our best to remain upbeat in these days of COVID. It’s not easy for many of us, but some vendors have it especially challenging. This tends to be true of those who do not have enough of their products and services converted to digital capabilities. These days, going digital can protect your business. How? Because it is not about just in-person commerce but can continue to function as long as that person has online access and therefore can log into managing their online products and services! It is really that simple. More on this soon in one of the blogs of the Blog Coalition!

Steps to Create

Steps to Create and Invent Magic Tricks, Stage Illusions and Mentalism Effects from WizNYC, The Manhattan Magician and I (Marketer Magician)

Just like the picture above, steps to create magic and mentalism effects might look confusing at first, but if you lean in closer you will see that the magic and mentalism creation process is as easy as ABC.

The 3 Amigos of Magic and Mentalism

WizNYC (The Wizard of New York City), Manhattan Magician and I (Marketer Magician) call ourselves “The 3 Amigos of Magic and Mentalism.” The 3 of us share a passion for inventing magic tricks, stage illusions and mentalism effects. And the exciting thing is that the approach to developing is the same, regardless of the category of magic that it falls under.

The Veil is Removed

Magicians and Mentalists who professionally create prestidigitation secrets, might want you to think that it is super tough to pull a new effect out of your hat, but the truth is that the process of doing so is not as difficult as it might appear (magic pun intended). Why? Because if you know the steps to create magic, all you have to do is follow them while bringing your own unique creativity to the table.

Steps to Create Magic, Illusions and Mentalism

Although there are sub steps within sub steps, as well as sub steps within those sub steps, in its big picture form, steps to create magic and mentalism are pretty straight forward..

A. Decide which magic/mentalism effect creation process you will be using, either effect to secret or secret to effect.

B. If you choose “effect to secret,” look at the workings of other effects in the same category (appearing, disappearing, transforming etc.) or if you will take the “secret to effect” route, look at the secret components to mix and match until the result of which you are happy about.

C. Test and tweak.

As you can see steps to create and invent magic and mentalism, truly is as easy as ABC.

Magic & Media

Marketer Magician Wonders if eCommerce will Work like Magic for You?

Something that You Might Want to Point Your Marketing Magic Towards

As “Marketer Magician” both in name and profession, my primary goal is to help others have success with marketing and promotion. We live in a special time in which it is easier than ever to become an entrepreneur, or even more specifically, an online entrepreneur. To my friends reading this from the magic profession, I am reaching out to you and want to let you know that I have empathy for what you have been going through in this pandemic. It is not easy being a professional magician in the first place but add to that not being able to do in-person magic shows with a live audience, takes away your primary source of income. Yes, many of you adapted and made Zoom your new performance venue and I applaud you for that. But in this post, since I do not have time to do updates on a regular basis, I want to show you something that you might find useful as a potential income stream. My friend Manhattan Magician got me permission from his eBook writer friends to publish the material below. It is about how to start an eCommerce store. Why should magicians consider eCommerce as an income stream? The answer to this question can be found within you as a conjuring professional. Turn up your magic creativity and see what concepts you come up with. I know that things my bud Manhattan Magician was thinking about was to sell eBooks about doing magic or do an online course on finger flinging. But that is just the start of what having an eCommerce could do for you. Peace out from me the Marketer Magician as I introduce excerpts from my friend Manhattan Magician for the material that he got from his digital expert clan. Enjoy the eCommerce possibilities.

Can Having an Ecommerce Site Help Your Business Grow?

Many entrepreneurs who have brick and motor in-person types of business are considering the benefits or lack thereof of starting an eCommerce division for what they are currently selling, or in the case of not having products, is there some kind of related merchandise that is possible to be sold on the web? One of the reasons that entrepreneurs are considering this is to always have an additional income stream online if ever something like the pandemic happens again. They answer can only come about with taking a cold hard look at your industry and deciding if two streams of income, online and in-person will ultimately help each other. In other words, can you use one to drive traffic to the other and vice versa? Will this result in a bigger number coming in or will it just confuse your customers and could even result in having a loss of profit?

What is the best eCommerce Platform for Small Businesses?

As you may have noticed if you have been researching eCommerce platforms on the web, there are many to choose from. And much depends on what type of product are you selling? Is it physical products that you are making available and for which you need to keep track of in inventory? Or maybe you are you maybe you are offering digital download products like eBooks and online courses? So right off the bat you can separate which platforms can sell physical products in contrast with, what kinds of platforms can take care of processing orders and automatically making it possible for your customer to download your eBooks or give access to your online courses. Depending on if you are selling physical or digital products, you can now eliminate the platforms that do not work for you. Another way you can decide about which platform you should use is compare the different kinds of payment processors they will be using to pay you your money. Or which platform seems easiest to use? Which platform has all the features you need for your industry, and so on.

What eCommerce Platform is Best for Drop shipping?

Drop shipping essentially means that your eCommerce store takes the order and receives payment from the customer, and you then have someone else do the packing and the shipping. You need to ask yourself a few questions. Will I get or make the products and must ship them to the go-between? Or will I be selling their products that they already have in stock so all I need to do is give them the information of where to ship the goods?  You need to figure out how much will you charge per product, and will that be enough to both pay the shippers and still make a profit on your end?


Looking for Magic During the Pandemic

Is There Light at the End of the Tunnel?

If you are like many small businesses during these challenging times, the magic may have disappeared from the doing of your entrepreneurial tasks. For some who are having unreasonable limitations put upon themselves due to the Pandemic, sadly their businesses may never recover. These are serious times that require serious solutions. The Marketer Magician wants to help. He does not always have enough time to update this blog, but his plans are to make it into a resource for promotional ideas on a budget.

Big Tech May Still be Worth a Shot (No Vaccine Pun Intended)

Working with big tech, meaning doing ads with search engines, social media and online video, may actually have more value than doing low cost traditional old school small business marketing. Fees can be high, but if you do enough research you will likely figure out a way to make it work for your company or home business. The current strategy being used by some is using online promoting to reach potential customers for your local in-person retail business. The reason is that you can have laser accuracy in reaching people living just around the corner from your place of business.

Marketer Magician has an Idea to Share

Marketer Magician suggests that if you are going to give big tech a try, do not spend on anything until you have done your research. For example, sometimes going with the biggest search engine does not make sense because it is too costly. Check out some of the smaller search engines and you might get a deal reaching the exact same individuals that you would through a larger one. If you have more time on your hands because your business is on an imposed hiatus, it does not hurt to look into some of the online marketing opportunities you have available to you. All the best.

Truth and Illusion

Yianni Stamas Talks a Bit About Illusion and Truth on New Year’s Eve

A New Year Philosophical Moment

On this New Year’s Eve, as we are about to enter 2021, the hope is that it will be a year of fewer complications than 2020, such as the Pandemic and a divided America. I get asked sometimes what is meant by Marketer Magician’s phrase “Bringing Closer Together Illusion and Truth?”

A Sense of Ourselves

The best person to answer this question would be Marketer Magician himself. I have had many conversations with him about this concept and I think that he may be speaking of the way that many of us have a sense of ourselves which does not necessarily coincide with reality.


I know this is a constant battle internally for me. Interestingly enough though, is that many who are driven, seem to be doing so because of a seemingly a self-aggrandizing false belief they have of themselves. Though, ironically, if they are very passionate about that thing and don’t have a lot of self doubt standing in their way, they have a shot at becoming quite successful. In other words, maybe the seemingly untrue sense of themselves they had in the beginning, does over time as they accomplish certain goals, become a reality?!

Two Brothers with Different Outcomes

There are two brothers (not the Stamas Bros!), one who I met early on and the other who I got to know better while he was in the beginning stages of his career. The brother who I got to know better than the other is quite successful now and you likely have heard of him. While the other brother is much less known.

Most Likely to Succeed?

They both grew up with the same father and mother and both brothers were very ambitious while they were young. But for some reason only one brother realized his ambitions while the other has not. And the funny thing is that the brother who is currently seemingly unhappy with his life, was, at a certain point early on, thought to be the one most likely to succeed!

Which is the Correct Truth?

So, even though the goal might be to bring closer together illusion and truth, maybe those who we sometimes think have illusions (or even delusions) about their personal truth, can prove us all wrong. How? Possibly because their truth was the right truth all along?!

Happy New Year 2021 everyone and may you and your illusions and truths come closer together in the New Year!


Dream a Magic Dream

A magician we know well is writing a book about getting on your billionaire path. We thought this might be of interest to marketer magicians. Here’s is an excerpt from the eBook work in progress:

Getting a Rush from the Process

The advice from most billionaires is to not be afraid to DREAM BIG. For many it is the fun of the process and overcoming obstacles as being an exciting sport of sorts. There have been reports that billionaires think of the rush they get when they get one step closer to realizing their plan, their dream.

Are You Having Fun?

A lot of individuals we explored said that they do what they do because it is fun to them. They ask the question “Why do it if you are not having fun.” In that sense this is why getting on the billionaire path may not be for you. Do you take failure personally? You may not have what it takes, because a special quality that billionaires have is to always believe they are right, and the others are wrong. And true billionaires who are wrong don’t necessarily acknowledge the mistake and instead forge ahead with a new variation of their plan.

Will Reach the Base in Time?

The real point we are trying to make is that unless you enjoy being on the road of having excitement of ups and, yes, downs, getting on the billionaire path may not be for you. And the path is always changing because the world and technology are ever changing, as is the financial context and more. You need to be able to reset. To recognizing where things are going ahead of what others may think, and then acting accordingly to get to the base first.


Who Are You?

This is written for a niche within a niche within a niche.

You may only be the first niche which is people who own (or want to start) a home-based business with the help of other home business achievers.

But again, that is only the first niche. Then the niche within that niche is people who desire a new approach to marketing followed by the final niche within a niche within a niche which consists of people who are very smart and emotional who have found that conventional paths are not for them.

So ultimately, putting all the niches in sequence at once, we are seeking out:

People who own (or want to start) a home-based business with the help of other home business achievers as well as desire a new approach to marketing while at the same time being very smart and emotional having found that conventional paths are not for them.

Truth and Illusion

Sometimes Illusion is Better than Truth

It all started with a cockroach in my coffee.

My wife works in one room and I in the other, both of us pounding on laptops much of the day. Coffee is our primary stimulant in the morning. I usually make the java, and it is strong. I can’t stand coffee that is weak.

We both use our cups to take action with the stimulant drug. She is probably a bigger drinker of the beverage than I am. I usually have had 2 cups by the time she has had 3. So, for some reason I was compelled to go to the coffee pot and taking the last cup of the hyper juice. I asked her first of course if she wanted more and she said “no.”

I didn’t notice it at first, but as I took my mug of coffee to the room I work in, I noticed it. Yes, that’s right, I had a roach in my coffee. Thank goodness I had the last cup. The roach must have gotten in there after my wife got her last dose. I thought quickly. Should I tell her? No, that would not be a great idea, especially since it did not directly affect her. She had, had pure coffee, no bugs included.

For a moment I stood there with my insect concoction. Obviously I wasn’t going to drink it. If it was a grasshopper I might think twice because I hear they have a lot of protein. But cockroaches are know as dirty, filthy insects that spread disease.

I walked back to the the kitchen were the coffee is made and poured the contents of my cup into the sink. I had intended to use a paper towel to pick up, kill and then dispose of the cockroach. But I never had a chance to do this. The bug, now dead, went down the drain with the coffee. Then to justify me standing by the slink, I began to wash the dishes that had been put there.

When I finished I took a breath and walked back to the room I was working in and started hammering away on my computer. I was working on this story of course. Then my 11 year old daughter entered the area I was working in. She was on a break from distance learning school and told me about an idea she had to do a reality show about two buff people, a man and a woman. They were staying home because of the Pandemic. And due to the fact they were body builders, the conflicts on the show would be topics like “Who took my protein powder! Did you take my protein power?! Where is my protein power!”

She became curious about what I was writing and moved over to me, looking over my shoulder and saw the first line of this post:

“It all started with a cockroach in my coffee.”

She said she loved the first line and wanted to read the piece. I managed to get her to go to my wife and tell her about the reality pitch. She agreed and left. Now Here I am. No one is aware of the bug incident, nor will I say anything. Though, knowing my daughter she will read this blog entry.

“So if you are reading this my precious daughter, please don’t mention this to mom. She has an insect phobia and it will not help to reveal this incident. Why? Because sometimes illusion is better than truth!”


Marketer Magician Gets Recognized

The curtains are about to be opened for Marketer Magician!

Develop a Thicker Skin

One of the biggest reasons that people take on being a performing artist is that they yearn for recognition and acceptance. This is not so bad in and of itself, but can also come with a needy side that is not so great when it comes to being criticized either by other people or the press. This has happened many times to Marketer Magician so lately he has been working on developing a thicker skin. to the Rescue!

But just as he started working toward having a better barrier against unwarranted negativity, a very positive thing happened to him. His look about how to use imagination to advance your business and career was picked up by DIYdigi.

Kudos for Marketer Magician

This was great for him because he worked hard on the article posted. To read it please go here. Marketer Magician found his inspiration from the Einstein quote:

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. – Albert Einstein.”

Magic & Media

What is the Relationship Between Marketing and Magic?

Different Ways of Using Illusion

What is the relationship between marketing and magic? That’s a big question isn’t it? Needless to say I’m exploring this query of course because my name is Marketer Magician. When I ask myself why I was drawn to both marketing and magic I’d have to say that the connection does have to do with illusion. Illusion though used in different ways.

One is Not a Trick and the Other Is

For the marketer illusion is hopefully, actually, an amplifier, using the tricks of illusion to make larger the truth of the product being sold. If someone sees the illusion of a product that is not aligned with honesty and sincerity, when they actually maker their purchase and try the item, it had better be everything promised. If not, it was just a trick getting them to buy the merchandise.

“Marketer” and “Magician.”

On the other hand, illusion for magicians is the result of trade secrets used by her or him to make something that defies science happen. So the magician hides behind illusion while the marketer brings for the truth using similar tools. On a side note regarding science, it is interesting how it evolves and soon things that were tricks of the magic trade are commonplace in the world of technology. That’s why many magicians move toward mentalism. Because there still is one big mystery which is the mind. And in the end the Marketer side brings forth the truth to the mind of the buyer and the Magician displays the tricks of the mind. Both using illusion in different ways. That is what Marketer Magician is all about!